Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm back! Yes, I am going to try my hand again at this lovely blog process.  I have an aching to start jotting down my insights and short sights and quirky observations.  Surrounding oneself with naysayers and dream killers does not promote happiness or daring even when these individuals are family members.  Somehow I got terms family and well wishers confused and thought they were the same.  Wrongooo! At least not in this individual's circle of immediate relatives.  I was blinded by a quaint saying like "Family will always be there for you." Someone forgot to tell me the rest of the saying.  "Family will always be there for you to kick you when you are down." Now, that is a saying that I can take to the bank.
Ironically, I have stayed relatively close (in vicinity) to my family.  What exactly was I thinking?  Obviously with my heart and not my head.  Thus, the cause of so much confusion.  So now I am stuck in the desert....I hate the desert.  I am over-educated when it comes to finding a job.  Why hire a veteran teacher when you can hire two 1/2 first year teachers?  Yes, I have experience and insight.  I would be a wonderful teacher but isn't money always the bottom line?  Yes, I know how to work all that wonderful new technology. Where to go from here? Okay, enough boohooing for first day back.  Glad to be reconnecting with my love of writing.  Until later...

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