Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hell has Snow

As everyone that is divorced and shares a child or children know, conversations with the ex can be strained at best. Fortunately, my ex is pretty reasonable and the post-marriage conflicts have been limited, not because we live in different states or only see each other at drop-off times. No, I excel at placing myself right in the fire. Why wait for trails to find me when I can circumvent fate and plunge directly into the flame? No, in my great wisdom, I tend to follow my ex, not really him, but more my daughter's father. You see, I got tired of driving two hours to drop off or pick up my little darling, not that I didn't enjoy the car time with her on drop off days. I moved about a mile from my daughter's father to make it convenient for her and myself. That way I also have access to her school, friends, and weekly activities. I, also, petitioned my district church leader to let me attend the ward in his area because she prefers to go there. Yes, we have a lovely time at church, sitting together on the same pew with our princess between us. You know that old saying: Love one another. I'm sure we are confusing some of the less informed members into thinking we are a happy little family. Maybe that is why I never seem to have a date or get asked out...go figure!
We share my daughter's time. One year, I get to be Disneyland mom and the next; he gets to be Disneyland dad. Flexibility has always been our motto along with "spare the rod and spoil the child". As rotten as my ex was as a husband, he is oppositely equal as a father. In other words, I don't think he can even reach the pedestal that he has put her on. Hmm....that pedestal looks remotely familiar...careful, it is quite a fall!
So, when he called me yesterday and asked if I had a few minutes to talk, I thought, "Oh, great, what did I do this time?" Of course, I said, "Sure, I have time. What is it you would like to talk about?"
He proceeded to tell me what a wonderful daughter we have and how he attributes that to me being such a wonderful mother....Wait! Back the truck up...What did you say?
Yes, it is the honest truth. He said that. And not only that, he went on to say that I have done a great job raising her and he really appreciated me. Wow!
I think I better go play the lotto or try MegaBucks! Obviously all the planets are aligned and God has opened the Heavens! It just doesn't get much better than this!

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