Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wishing for a small 85

Wow, 85 looks like such a wonderfully small group. The number is now up to 150 lovely little elementary students. My principal continues to chuckle as he passes me in the hallway while I deliver reminders to these drama stars. Maybe if I don't hand out reminders, then the numbers will dwindle. No, I would probably just have to field more phone calls. Not that I mind speaking with these exuberant parents, it is just that there are only so many hours in a day and so many days in a week.

I must give credit...There are four other teachers that have jumped on the "crazy drama cart" and are volunteering their time and talent. Thank goodness. I really cannot imagine how I would ever have managed to handle all of these children alone.

The response has been heartwarming. Children stop me in the hall daily, reminding me that they "saw" me in drama club. It's like being at the grocery store and being spotted by a student. They seems so surprised to "bump" into: like I am a real person or something crazy like that.

Thursday was the open house at the high school and so I was there to meet my daughter's teachers. The principal happily offered to let our "little" group use the theater for our performance in the spring. He seems genuinely pleased that we had started this group at our elementary school. I must say that I was take aback. Most responses that I have received from teachers and administrators alike is..."Have you lost your ........'n mind? Are you getting paid for this? NO? insane, that is what you must be!" So when this student-focus administrator smiled and said it was a great project, I could almost feel flowers popping out of my head and float up into the air! How's that for drama!!!!
Now, just to figure out what to do with them all next week....stay tuned!

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