Thursday, October 1, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

Crazy is as crazy does....a little poetic license from Forrest Gump!  As I had previously noted on this blog, I started a performance club at my school.  The response was unbelievable: 157 students signed up.  More showed interest later but we had to say "no" due to the response.  I also had four other teachers offer (out of the goodness of their hearts) to help out.  How lucky am I? There was no way I could have possibly managed that many children by myself.  
Well, I had already planned to split the group into two: primary and intermediate.  Two of the teachers would help on Tuesday, the other two on Thursday of each week.  
On Monday, I received an email basically saying, "We are splitting from the intermediate group and having a performance in December. We have picked our own play.  We talk with you about the details later."  
Hmmm, was I just bumped from my own program?  Confused and surprised, I later did meet with the two splitters.  Now, normally, one would be upset about someone or ones coming in and hijacking their project.  Not me!  It is turning out even better than I had hoped or even dreamed!  You see, my original purpose and goal was to provide a club or activity for the students at my school.  It was never about me.  I wasn't looking for glory or an opportunity to put on a stress-filled performance with a bus load of children!  I do still have a little sanity! Now our students have a primary performance club and an intermediate performance club.  But wait! It gets even better.  The intermediate group has also had a bit of a split.  As luck would have it, the art teacher (one of the glorious volunteers) has created a stage crafting club for students in the performance club who want to participate but not necessarily perform.  That makes three clubs from the original one.  How exciting is that?  Who knew that all a person had to do was get the proverbial ball rolling and the altruistic, dramatic die-hards would literally pounce out of the wood work to get involved.  Isn't life a wonderful thing!  You just never know what will happen when you start your journey.  I am so glad I was able to part of such a funny, clever little adventure!  I will keep you updated.  This is only the third week.  Who knows what else could materialize!

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